Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Simple Breakfast Sandwich

This is probably one of the easiest things i will make.  A simple bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

Small pan
Pan lid 

 Ingredients: (per sandwich)
 Bacon 3-4 pieces (i use pre-cooked, much faster)
1 egg
1-2 slices American cheese
2 waffles/bread or 1 bagel
Heat the pan to just above medium heat. Add bacon, (if using precooked), flip after 30 seconds. Cook same time on side.  Set bacon aside.
If using uncooked, follow package directions.

There should be some leftover grease in the pan to cook the egg, if not add a little butter or cooking spray.  Crack egg into greased pan, break the yoke so you don't have a yoke explosion when you bite into your sandwich.

Put bread/bagel/waffle into toaster to desired crunch

Cook the egg for a minute or 2 then flip.  Once flipped, add the cheese and 1 tsp of water, then cover the pan with the lid to melt cheese quickly.
Place cheesy egg on top of one end of the bread project, add bacon the top off with the other piece of bread.

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