Monday, February 15, 2016


Do you have trouble trying to figure out how to freeze water for ice cubes? I sure hope not,but you may be completely helpless when it comes time to cook without using the microwave.  I'm not talking about heating a frozen pizza in the oven or cracking open a box of Mac and Cheese and throwing it in a boiling pot of water on the stove.  I'm talking about real cooking, worthy of a Thanksgiving feast for you and your family. You eat roughly three times a day, every day. I'm just about to turn twenty-nine so that means I've eaten about thirty-one thousand seven hundred fifty-five meals over the course of my lifetime (probably more because I'm a bigger guy) and that number only grows every day. Don't you think you should learn how to do something you physically need on a daily basis? The only necessities of life are food, water and sleep. If anyone tries to stop you from doing any of those things, murder them (Louis CK joke).  Sleep is a given unless you have insomnia, and to you I say good luck because that's not what this blog is about. Food and water are a different story all together. A person can not just drink water from a river, stream, lake or puddle.  The water has to many contaminants, so it needs to be cooked or boiled (same difference). Pretty much goes the same for any food, it has to be cooked to be safe to eat.  The only raw food I'll eat is fruits and vegetables and those aren't even all that great unprepared. So I'm here to give you some basics, helpful hits, original recipes of my own creations and maybe a helpful survival tip or two. For example, did you know you can use Doritos (any flavor) as kindling for a fire if you can't find any small sticks, paper or lighter fluid.  They burn for about five minutes, more than enough time to get some logs burning.  

1 comment:

  1. I never cooked any food except put food in the microwave. Please, can you show me how to do that? Thank you, I appreciate it. : )
