Monday, February 15, 2016

Sunday Morning

        Cereal is nice and easy for the weekday rush, but who doesn't like a nice home-cooked breakfast. I like to start off Sunday morning with a nice family breakfast, usually provided by me. This past Sunday was no different, so i made Sausage Gravy & Biscuits. It is a southern style dish but you can find it at any Cracker Barrel or Bob Evans anywhere in the country. Restaurant food is never as good a meal made at home in your kitchen. So let's get to it with this simple recipe.


Required Tools:
Large Stove-Top Pan
Baking Sheet
Measure Cups
Measuring Spoons

1lb. pork breakfast sausage (I use Bob Evan's original)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 cups milk (I use whole for this)
salt & pepper to taste
8-10 hot biscuits (i use Pillsbury)

Chopping Sausage

Browned Sausage
Pre-heat oven to 350 and large pan on the stove-top to just above medium.  
Open package of sausage and toss in the now heated pan.
Chop up sausage into smaller chunks and continue until all pieces are bite sized. 
Flip several times while cooking.
Cook sausage until browned and a little crispy, about 10 minutes.

half flour added
Worked in flour
Add 1/2 of the flour and work into the sausage until it looks like the image on the right.

 Add the remainder of the flour to the sausage. Continue to work in the flour like with the first half.

Follow directions on package for placing biscuits on sheet and get into the now heated oven. Bake 12 - 16 minutes.

Add milk to sausage, be sure to scrape the bottom of the pan once the milk is added to get the crispy flavor off of the pan.

Frequently wisk the milk for 10 - 15 minutes until it gets thick consistency like grits or a dip.

Lastly, add salt and pepper to the gravy.  This step all depends on personal taste so be sure to start with a pinch of each, give it a taste after mixing and add more as needed.
Slice two biscuits and pour sausage gravy on top. Enjoy.


  1. I really appreciate you taking a picture of every step. You don't see it that often when looking up recipes online. The food looks yummy too!

  2. Dang, Steve. This looks delicious. I'm definitely gonna be trying this one out!
