Taco Meat
Large stove-top pan
1lb ground beef
taco seasoning
Hard or Soft shells/ Tortilla chips
Sour cream
Taco flavored cheese
Taco Sauce
Heat pan to a Medium/High temperature.
Place ground beef in pan and chop with the spatula into bite sized pieces as it cooks.
While the meat is cooking, now is a good time to get the vegetables prepped. One at a time, run each vegetable through the processor/mandolin or just chop/mince into small piece.
After about 10-15 minutes of moving the ground beef around the pan it should be just about cooked. Most people drain the fat off the cooked and mix the seasoning with water before adding it to the cooked meat. I leave the fat in and just add the seasoning at this point. In doing this you do not lose any flavor. The fatty juices will absorb into the seasoning and back then back into the meat. Once the juices cook off your done.
Assemble your tacos or nachos with all your vegetables mountain and enjoy.